Late Sunday Afternoon, Early Sunday Evening

It’s Scary Giving Birth to One’s Life, Isn’t It?

Hollywood, California, May 16, 2024.Vee Kumari unveils her passion project “Late Sunday Afternoon, Early Sunday Evening” written by Jean Lenox Toddie, a heartfelt and poignant one-act play at Hollywood Fringe Festival 2024. Set against the backdrop of a Boston home, this captivating production stars Vee Kumari alongside the talented Sanchita Malikin a tale that delves deep into the complexities of life, love, and legacy. Opens at the Hobgoblin Playhouse, June 6th.

Padma, portrayed by Vee Kumari, roams the corridors of her home, grappling with the profound question of fulfillment in her twilight years. Haunted by memories of past lives filled with excitement, she stands at a crossroads, pondering the essence of her existence and the relationships defining it. Alongside her strong-willed granddaughter, Libby, Padma embarks on a journey of self-discovery and revelation, where three idealistic characters intertwine in a narrative transcending generations. “Late Sunday Afternoon, Early Sunday Evening” invites women to explore the boundless possibilities of their second act in life. It’s a mesmerizing tale of coming-of-age, infused with a twist that will captivate audiences.

In a parallel world to Padma’s, Vee Kumari discovers resonance and inspiration in this evocative tale, channeling her own passion into the character and storyline. With an intimate understanding of the themes of longing, self-realization, and the bonds between generations, Kumari delivers a performance that is as soul-stirring as it is profound. “This story is near and dear to my heart,” she says. “It speaks to the universal experience of seeking fulfillment and daring to chase our dreams, no matter our age or stage in life. I believe audiences, particularly empty-nesters, elders, and adult grandchildren, will find solace and inspiration in Padma’s journey. It is a very human story with self-doubt, courage, and kindness about how we each discover our ever-changing places in the world.”

WHERE: The Hobgoblin Playhouse, 6440Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90038, 323 591-4849

Thursday June 6, 2024, 9pm – Preview
Thursday June 20, 2024, 6:30pm
Monday June 24, 2024, 8:30pm
Friday June 28, 2024, 10pm
Saturday June 29, 2024, 12pm

Running time: 55 minutes

TICKET PRICE: $15.00 –
Admission age: 12+

Posted in Theatre.