Fringe Review: Brainwashed

Brainwashed. Written and performed by Alina Konon. Directed by Nathan Mohebbi.

Alina Konon explains the hardships of living under a communist and totalitarian government using humor and clowning in her solo show Brainwashed.

Born in Belarus, she grew up with scarce resources and limited freedom, always under the spell of the radiation fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. Her childhood was influenced by Lenin and the fear of persecution. Friends and family members’ arrests and beatings were a constant reminder of the dangers of dissent. Until she moved to the land of the free, America.

Alina uses elements of clowning in her show and plenty of audience participation to keep the engagement alive. This combination creates a highly energetic performance and the audience becomes a part of the show.

Fringe is an excellent platform for actors and comedians to polish off their storytelling techniques. Performers like Alina make great use of the stage working with minimal props, concentrating mainly in their ability to tell a story with humor and engagement.

Alina is ceative and entertaing, and she’s not shy about mixing her comedic skills with her vulnerabilities to add a human touch to her performance. And let’s not forget her flash lesson on Eastern European cooking. Soup, anyone?


Actors Company (The Little Theatre)
916 N. Formosa Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca 90046

Thursday June 27 2024, 5:30 PM

Saturday June 29 2024, 10:00 PM

Written and performed by Alina Konon. Directed by Nathan Mohebbi.

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