Fringe Review: The Connie Converse Universe

The Connie Converse Universe. Starring Hope Levy. Produced by Zipperbug Music. Directed by Tom Lavagnino.

One day in August 1974, Connie Converse packed her belongings and disappeared. Up to this day, no one knows what happened to her. Connie was considered the first person to be labeled singer/songwriter. She performed for close friends during the early 1950s. Her exceptional talent as a singer/songwriter however, did not reach the popularity she wanted.

Hope Levy pays tribute to Connie in her Fringe production The Connie Converse Universe, performing some of Connie’s most iconic songs. The main value of this production is remembering the implicit messages of Connie’s music. Levy elaborates on the possibilities that contributed to Connie’s disappearance.

Connie performed in 1954 on The Morning Show with Walter Cronkite, her only known public appearance. Despite her talent as a singer/songwriter, she seemed to be ahead of her time, not to mention her activism against racism and being considered a communist agent for her writings in the Journal for Conflict Resolution, where she worked as a writer and managing editor. These factors might have contributed to her lack of popular appeal back then.

Hope Levy is a folk and pop singer/songwriter, aligning with Connie’s musical artistry. Levy’s voice fits her folksy style, and has an evocative and rich texture that integrates smoothly with the introspective nature of Connie’s lyrics.

The Connie Converse Universe is insightful; it’s a documentary and a homage to an artist who deserved more attention in her lifetime. Fortunately, fellow artists like Levy continue to keep Connie’s legacy alive, introducing her poetry and music to new generations. The audience reacted enthusiastically to Levy’s outstanding performance, giving her a well-deserved ovation.

The Connie Converse Universe

Actors Company (The Little Theatre)
916 N. Formosa Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca 90046

Sunday June 23 @11am

Friday June 28th @5:30pm

Sunday June 30th @12:30pm

Starring Hope Levy. Produced by Zipperbug Music. Directed by Tom Lavagnino.

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