Theatre Review: Alma

Chance Theater presents the Orange County premiere of Alma. Written by Benjamin Benne. Directed by Sara Guerrero. Produced by Steven & Louise Koch.

For most of the people, a knock on the door is nothing to worry about; it could be the neighbor or a salesperson. For Alma (Marta Portillo) and her daughter Angel (Heather Lee Echeverria), however, it could mean the dreadful time to say goodbye.

Director Sara Guerrero uses the small stage to bring the audience closer to the emotions of the characters. Together with Portillo and Echeverria, Guerrero translates the humor and drama of the script into an intimate display of courage, fear, and unconditional love.

In Alma, Playwright Benjamin Benne explores the dynamics of mother-daughter relationships, politics, and the American Dream. The character of Alma is the face of countless immigrants pursuing a dream that sounds great on paper but is evasive in practice. In her particular case, Alma is more invested in creating a dream for her daughter; a dream of opportunities and a better life. In the undocumented immigrants narrative, Benne emphasizes the human factor, the sacrificial love of a mother. Due to the fear of deportation, Alma and Angel are pushed to the limits, taking a toll on their emotional and mental health.

Alma crossed the desert and was already pregnant when she arrived in the US. As the only provider, she takes menial jobs to secure food and shelter for Angel. Alma’s dream is to send Angel to UC Davis to become a veterinarian. Trying to achieve that goal is a point of nurturing and contention between them, something that could break their relationship and change the course of their lives.

Alma is a mother with the usual worries. She needs to work hard to provide for both of them. In addition, she is also concerned about Angel’s future. To Alma, a degree from UC Davis is the key to unlock a world of opportunities and she is determined to ensure that Angel stays on track to achieve that goal. What stands on the way is her condition as an undocumented immigrant. Her potential deportation could throw everything off, a devastating end to her sacrifices.

Angel is in that phase where she is derailing to explore other things in life besides school and homework. Angel takes in her surroundings and questions the validity of authority. Not just the authority imposed by her mom, but the one imposed by society as well. For Angel, her mom’s immigration status and the possibility of getting separated is taking over her life, a fact that is influencing her decisions.

Alma has different layers. One of them is about broken dreams. This is linked to a political commentary.  As controversial as it was back then, former president Barack Obama was seen by many immigrants as a hope, an opportunity to regularize their immigration status. However, by the end of his term, he was called by some activists Deporter-In-Chief due to the millions deported during his administration. On the other hand, President Donald Trump‘s tough stance on immigration sent shock among immigrants for the fear of massive deportations. Alma delves into the fact that a president, whether Democrat or Republican, could mean hope or fear. Oftentimes, it is just another broken dream.

What exactly is the American Dream? Is it money, a college degree, a house, a green card? Who has the right to achieve that dream? The play does not answer those questions. What Alma does is to bring forward issues that are relevant in the immigration narrative. For the approximately 10.5 million undocumented immigrants living in the US, family separation is a real fear. This play explores what that means and how it affects the daily lives of those living in the shadows of legality.

Alma opens up another conversation: Is all that sacrifice worth it if families are separated?


Chance Theater @ Bette Aitken Theater Arts Center on the Fyda-Mar Stage
5522 E. La Palma Ave.,
Anaheim, CA 92807


Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 3 p.m. & 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m.

Written by Benjamin Benne. Directed by Sara Guerrero. Produced by Steven & Louise Koch.

Cast: Marta Portillo and Heather Lee Echeverria.

Creative team: Scenic designer Christopher Scott Murillo, costume designer Jeanette Godoy, lighting designer Kara Ramlow, sound designer Melanie Falcón, stage manager
Cynthia C. Espinoza, and dramaturg Karli Jean Lonnquist. Bette & Wylie Aitken are Executive Season Producers for the entire 2024 schedule. Laurie Smits Staude is Associate Producer, and The Family of Mary Kay Fyda-Mar is this year’s Associate Season Producers.