The world premiere of Happy Birthday McKenna opened up on March 3 at the Hudson Backstage Theatre. Written and directed by Steve Silverman. Produced by Steve Silverman and Kathleen O’Grady.
Family is an essential building block of society. Family is the place to instill values that will last forever. Family is a powerful nucleus that determines the development of individuals and the way they will function in the world. And then there is McKenna’s family, a hodgepodge of secrets, insecurities, and bad relationships.
The play starts with Ray (Michael Dempsey) and Carolyn (Heather L. Tyler) getting everything ready for the 3 year old surprise birthday party for Carolyn’s niece, McKenna, a mischievous girl that has already caused some physical harm to a few family members. Arriving to the party are Carolyn’s siblings, Tommy (Ben Holtzmuller) and his husband Parker (Colbert Alembert), Deb (Tracey Rooney), Ed (Ryan Woods) and his girlfriend Julie (Stakiah Lynn Washington), and Martin (Karl T. Wright) with his second wife Lucille (Sara Ballantine). Martin was married to Barbara, the sibling’s mom. Barbara passed away and is buried in Chicago and now Tommy wants to take her remains with him to Santa Barbara. Tommy’s intentions trigger a series of recriminations among the siblings and Martin, requiring Irene’s (Mari Weiss) urgent intervention.
Tommy’s goal becomes a conflicting element that drives much of the play. His intentions will not only exhume their mom, but also the secrets that will have a profound effect on the lives of the other siblings. All of that in a party for a 3 year old girl who is not even present. McKenna’s parents, Ed and Julie, decided to leave her with Julie’s mom.
Revelation after revelation, the story becomes a hilarious melange of buried secrets, family bonds, and failed relationships, all while the characters experience the inexorable passage of time. The dark comedy nature of the script and the brilliant performances of the actors create a fascinating collage of conflict, emotion, and entertainment. This is an example of Steve Silverman’s capacity to deliver an extraordinary theatre experience. His skills as a writer and director are evident in the rich characterization achieved in this remarkable play.
Happy Birthday McKenna
Hudson Backstage Theatre
6539 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Valet Parking
Fri, Mar 03 – Sun, Mar 26
Fri, Sat 8pm
Sun 7pm
Written and directed by Steve Silverman. Produced by Steve Silverman and Kathleen. O’Grady. Cast: Colbert Alembert, Sara Ballantine, Michael Dempsey, Ben Holtzmuller, Vanessa Marshall (“Irene” – 3/24, 3/25, 3/26), Tanya Perez (“Irene” – 3/17, 3/18, 3/19), Sigi Ravet (”Deb” – 3/17 – 3/26), Tracey Rooney (“Deb” – 3/2 – 3/11), Faith Salie (“Irene” – 3/10, 3/11), Heather L. Tyler, Stakiah Lynn Washington, Marie Weiss (“Irene” – 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5), Dylan Wittrock (“Tommy” – 3/17 – 3/26), Ryan Woods, and Karl T. Wright. Stephanie Alecia Rose, Assistant Director. Victoria Hoffman, Casting Director.