A newspaper ad dated November 10, 1918 claimed the following about radium, a radioactive element used back then in some beauty products: “The tiniest particle of Radium throws off a continuous stream of Energy Rays. An energy never diminishing, never ceasing, day or night, year in, year out. A force a million times more powerful than any other known. Rays of Radium, in fact, energize and revivify any living matter with which they come in contact. They are accepted by the human system as harmoniously as is sunlight by the plant”.
However, in the case of the four female workers employed at the Radium Dial Company back in 1922, radium proved to be a source of ailments that lead to a life of debilitating pain and cancer. Marie Curie, who along with her husband Pierre Curie discovered radium, said this about the toxic element: “There is absolutely no means of destroying the substance once it enters the human body”. Not even with the aspirins prescribed by the doctors who treated those women.
The protagonist is Catherine (Abigail Stewart), a young woman who is excited about her new job at Radium Dial Company. The job consists of painting the markings of the clocks with a mixture of glue, water, green paint, and radium powder, which glows in the dark. It’s an easy job, pays well, and has a great time with her co-workers Pearl (Allison Schlicher), Frances (Shannon Woo), and the bubbly and sharp-tongued Charlotte (Jessica Woehler).
Catherine feels great about contributing to the family income, raising two kids, and having a supportive husband. But there’s a caveat. The women at the factory don’t use any protective barrier when handling the radium, and they are even instructed to point the tips of the brushes with their lips, ingesting, in fact, large amounts of the highly toxic radioactive material.
As expected, their health starts to deteriorate. First is the indelible glowing of their skin. Then it’s the pain in the arms, legs, jaw, and the teeth. Then uncertainty builds up. Then panic sets in. Meanwhile, all the company doctor (Michael Kachingwe) prescribes is aspirin. In cahoots with Mr. Reed (John Colella), the company’s supervisor, the doctor keeps the women in the dark about the known toxicity of radium.
The proximity of the stage allows the audience to appreciate the range of complex emotions displayed by the characters, brilliantly played by the exceptional cast. Stewart immerses herself into her character with intensity, going to dark places, reaching the bottom, where hope is no longer an option. Declining physically and emotionally, the anguish increases knowing that she will leave behind her two young kids and her devastated husband Tom (Isaac Jay), a WWI veteran struggling to cope with the idea of losing the woman who gave him back his faith in God after seeing the horrors of war.
Director Thom Babbes proves to be a crafty director, able to extract the essence of Melanie Marnich‘s script and set up powerful scenes to move the audience. The blocking and the superlative work with his actors shows a director that knows how to blend the vulnerabilities and strengths of the characters to deliver an inspiring story that set a precedent in the history of American worker’s rights.
This play is deep and complex. The upbeat beginning changes to a much darker tone. From there, the exploration of defeat makes way to the resilience of the human spirit, and a poetic ending wraps the rollercoaster of emotions that make this play a poignant and meaningful experience. Fortunately, Babbes and his cast prove to be a pool of skillful professionals that capture in detail the daunting aspects of the ordeal and the fearlessness of the women and their supporters in their fight for justice. This phenomenal production of These Shining Lives is a theatrical gem not to be missed.
These Shining Lives
Actors Co-op’s Crossley Theatre
1760 N. Gower Street
Hollywood, CA 90028
Located on the campus of First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood.
FREE PARKING: On Carlos in the church parking lot with Actors Co-op Parking Signage across from the theatre/church campus.
February 21 – March 30
Friday and Saturday Evenings at 7:30 pm
Sunday Matinees at 2:30 pm
Additional Saturday Matinees March 1 & March 15 at 2:30 pm
Tickets: actorsco-op.org
Written by Melanie Marnich, directed by Thom Babbes and produced by Crystal Yvonne
Cast: John Colella , Isaac Jay, Michael Kachingwe, Allison Schlicher, Abigail Stewart, Jessica Woehler, and Shannon Woo.
Creative team: Julia Hibner (Stage Manager), Kevin Williams (Property Designer), David Marling (Sound Design), A. Jeffrey Schoenberg (Costume Designer), Derrick McDaniel (Lighting Designer), Joel Daavid (Set Designer/Set Construction), Judi Lewin (Wig/Makeup Designer), and Nikki Alday (Assistant Stage Manager).