Actress/Filmmaker To Watch: Valeria Vallejos

Valeria Vallejos is from Argentina, of Mapuche and Spanish ancestry. Valeria, along with her husband Brett M. Reed, produced the short film titled Me También (Me Too), a story of two women that face sexual harassment in the workplace. Cristina, played by Valeria, is a Mexican immigrant that works in a a house as a nanny. Monica, played Kathryn Romine, is a successful executive. Despite their opposite lifestyles, both women experience the fear and frustration that comes with sexual harassment in the hands of powerful men.

Valeria Vallejos directed and acted on this film and Brett M. Reed worked as producer and editor, forming an incredible team that were able to overcome the challenges of producing a short film on a tight budget and a limiting schedule.

We wish Valeria and Brett a successful career in the film industry and we thank them for bringing thought-provoking stories that reflect the challenges, dreams, and amazing lives of underrepresented members of our society.

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